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Nice blog you have there! My RSS reader finds a feed on your website, but has problems showing it. It seems to validate as a valid Atom feed, so I was wondering if you ever heard before of external sites not being able to load it?

If you're talking about my personal site https://benovermyer.com, no, I have not heard of problems rendering the RSS for it.

If you are having issues I would like as much detail as you can provide.

Yes, I'm talking about your personal site. It might be my homegrown RSS reader, because around 10 to 15 of the 900+ feeds I follow just don't show me the content of the feed items. It also doesn't show the feed's title, the description and - strangely enough - also not your site's favicon (which is outside the scope of the feed itself).

I validated the feed at https://validator.w3.org/feed/check.cgi?url=https%3A%2F%2Fww... and everything seems well (except for some "recommendations" to make it even better).

I now saved your site in my feed reader as a sort of bookmark, so I am reminded by it's existence and will check it from time to time, but it would be cool if it shows up immediately.

I've not researched the problem yet, but one of the possible problems that comes to mind is some server setting at your side that stops my external domain from reaching it. Which probably is strange, because w3.org can reach it without problems.

I'm willing to do a little experiment: if you put online a very simple, handmade testfeed, I can try to reach that. What you think about that?

I went through and corrected all the little problems the validator was reporting. Maybe that will fix it.

Can you try again?

Yes, it works! I see a post about a wellness challenge from 2 December as being your latest post. Thanks a lot!

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