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cempaka 5 months ago | hide | past | favorite

Us humans aren’t very good at learning even from recent history.

Crazed terror group murders civilians

Large Nation state kills scores of civilians in pursuit of said terror group.

How many Iraqi and Afghan people ended up dying last time around?

The tragedy is that we, as a species, know better but we don’t want to know better, we want to follow our monkey brain emotions instead.

The average age in Gaza is under 18. Courts in Texas forbid a woman at risk of dying from an unviable pregnancy to save her life, ostensibly to save the baby - but at the same time we grind cities to dust and destroy hospitals because terrorists may have walked there.

It’s all fucked up, objectively and we know better. And by not addressing the cognitive dissonance - by failing rational discourse in favor of traps and gotchas- we ultimately give air to those who launder it for outrage and clicks.

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