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Yuh. I guess that's "modern times". I taught in the late eighties, and auto-grading wasn't a thing.

FWIW, I was a "temporary visiting lecturer", i.e. contract fill-in help. I had to write the syllabus (literally), the course plan, and the hand-outs. I also had to write all the tests and the exams; and I had to mark the exams, and then sit on the exam board through the summer holidays. The pretty girls would flutter their eyelashes at me, and ask for leniency. I suspect they took their cue from my louche colleague, who was evidently happy to take sexual advantage of his students in exchange for better marks.

[Edit] I liked this colleague; but I would not have introduced him to my wife or my daughter.


Actually not so modern, my college was auto-grading 20 years ago.

This was in the 1980's. We're talking 5 1/4" floppies, no internet, 64MB RAM. I had to review my students' work as dead-tree submissions or completed circuits or whatever.

(I certainly wasn't going to take digital submissions from them; that would mean floppy disks, and I regarded any disk that had been touched by any student as if it were infected with plague, because it almost certainly was. All the school systems were always infected).

I think you intended to write 64KB?

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