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Artificial Cranial Deformation (wikipedia.org)
6 points by ano-ther 6 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Makes modern mutilations milder by comparison.

Saying "No child genital mutilation" draws cheers in some places now, until you add "including circumcision of male babies," when it somehow becomes a "freedom of faith question" where some faiths are incorrect and some aint.

With previous practices in mind, perhaps we could advocate against all child mutilation of any form? If a person's body is developed in way that does not interfere with their function; let them reach the age of majority before helping them carve on themselves?

We need the Pastafarians to start tattooing a drawing of a fusili on the left butcheek of their 1-old-newborns or something. Maybe that will force the freedom-of-faith crowd to take pause and think a little.

I'm just imagining the fights my peers had with their parents over piercings as teenagers escalated to a government action.

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