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Notes on how Supercell is run (valued at $32M per employee) (invertedpassion.com)
4 points by Tactician_Pro 5 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

In Finland Spercelll is known as being the nicest and coolest company.

"We have grown up in Finland and have received a great deal from this society. It's our turn to pay back, CEO Ilkka Paananen tells Helsingin Sanomat."

After asked why they don't avoid taxes like other companies:"Game company Supercell Finland's biggest single 2021 corporate taxpayer" https://yle.fi/a/3-12674624

Wow. Imagine if every company paid their due of taxes :)

Paras Chopra, Founder at Nintee (digital health startup), points out that Supercell (the company behind the massively popular Clash of Clans game) is valued at $32M per employee, reminding us of how important prioritising long term revenue opportunities at the expense of short term are.

Here’s a summary:

"They seem to be killing 9 games for each game they release. Some of these games have been in development for years."

"Why are they killed? It’s because these games don’t meet their internal benchmarks (primary of which is 30-day retention)."

"Supercell’s mission is to make games that players play on forever (decades), so if the 30-day retention figure isn’t getting met, they get killed."

"The killing decision is not made by the leadership, but in fact by the team that’s working on it. When teams are communicated clear benchmarks to beat, they keep asking themselves this question: should we continue to iterate on the game and try to beat the 30-day retention number, or should we work on the next idea which would have better potential?"

"By the way, the name supercell comes the way the company works. They’re groups of lots of small game development teams (each 10-15 people max). They’re given freedom to do whatever they want to – but success or failure is defined clearly in terms of metrics."

"Building hit products with a team of just 10–15 people requires hiring absolutely the best people possible."

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