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Climate Conference Head Happens to Be an Oil Exec Says Fossil Fuels Are Fine (futurism.com)
38 points by danboarder 6 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 17 comments

Putting the oil industry in charge of a climate conference was obviously one of the dumbest things to do.

It also gives off a signal that things are not so serious. I'm sure some people got some well filled envelopes for this but for the climate it's a bad thing and it invalidates the whole conference.

I had another thought as well: This might be a good way to finaly break something. People have become complacent with politicians formulating mediocre climate goals and then not even meeting those. Yet another boring event of them celebration their own inactions in a more diplomatic way wouldn't have helped either.

The UAE finally having to show face in such a way might shake up more people than it did harm.

Sure, in an ideal world we had rational political leaders that would always put the survival of the human race first. But we are in a world where people are so allergic to collective solutions, they would rather end the planet before giving up any power or freedoms to find a good collective solution. Right now, most political leaders are fighting to get the highest place on the sinking ship, either for themselves indivdiually or for their nations. And because many nations are uninterested in finding a truly powerful binding international agreement, this has become about who will be the king of the rotting trash heap instead.

> The UAE finally having to show face in such a way might shake up more people than it did harm.

I really doubt it. Climate denial seems to be on a sharp rise and they will use this as an excuse. "See, even the climate conference leader says there is nothing to worry about!"

> Right now, most political leaders are fighting to get the highest place on the sinking ship, either for themselves indivdiually or for their nations. And because many nations are uninterested in finding a truly powerful binding international agreement, this has become about who will be the king of the rotting trash heap instead.

Yup. But also the nation that start actually doing something is truly fucking themselves if nobody else follows suit. I do understand that part. Of course there's a few countries like Norway that are bragging of all their accomplishments but it's pocket change for them (with all the riches they've gained from fossil fuels no less).

> Climate denial seems to be on a sharp rise

Any data to back that up? Subjectively I would have said that climate denialism is for the biggest part the problem of a vocal (US) minority, but the majority of the planet is pretty on board with climate change being a thing.

Where people differ is how much needs to be done (money says: as little as possible), how fast it needs to be done (money says: as late as possible) and which way it needs to be done (money says: pretend it can be solved with techology alone).

An Emirati oil executive has landed in hot water after claiming that there's "no science" behind phasing out fossil fuels to keep global temperatures from creeping above 1.5 degrees Celsius, an internationally agreed-upon climate benchmark.

Sorry how did this happen? How did this guy get to be in charge of this?

I'm currently installing my own heat pumps and solar into my house using my own money. I know not everyone can afford this luxury but I'm taking shit into my own hands as much as I can. Thankfully we have the technology to be able to do this. As soon as this project is over and I recover financially I'm ordering and electric car and never looking back.

The heatpump and solar are luxury in the US is mainly because prohibitive install cost and regulations. The heat pump and solar panels are very cheap. I was quoted a mini split installation 12k, the unit which is one of the best in the market cost only 2k and the job is a one day and half . I end up not getting it.

If you're handy, you can install a mini split heat pump yourself. I have installed many, it is straightforward.



Solar is a bit more involved, but it can also be done. I am not a licensed electrician, but I have designed systems and helped physically build up to ~150kw systems (ground mount, nothing beyond ~20kw on a roof). Licensed electrician does the licensed electrician bits and signs off. If you're paying someone to do the install, you're probably going to pay between $2.50-$4/watt, depending on market. You can get down to $1.50-$2.00/watt if you do it yourself. Labor is unavoidable, the soft costs (permitting, sales/marketing load) is where the fat to be trimmed is.

I strongly believe we should be teaching every kid that goes through high school how to install a heat pump and small scale solar.

> Sorry how did this happen? How did this guy get to be in charge of this?

I would follow the money.


Abu Dhabi is the emirate that controls the UAE. As such, they decided to put their guy in charge.

When UAE got the chance to host COP28, Abu Dhabi was always going to drive the agenda.

When most people hear UAE, they think Dubai, but the actual economy and power is in Abu Dhabi. Dubai had to get bailed out by Abu Dhabi a couple times, and Construction+Real Estate+Gold doesn't generate enough money or power within the Emirates compared to Abu Dhabi's Oil and PE/VC strategy. Also, Abu Dhabi has an actual conscripted army with combat experience in Afghanistan, Yemen and Sudan, unlike the other Emirates so they can push everyone else around.

Dubai attempted to become India's Hong Kong, but they couldn't dethrone Singapore. Look at YC for example - they recommend Indian YC startups formally incorporating in SG if they can't make a Delaware corp.

Thanks for taking the time to explain that.

They totally compromised the COP28 conference with this guy and hosting Putin's visit to the UAE shortly afterwards. No one in their right mind would believe in what it aims to accopmlish after this. It has just became another theatre.

Who else's money would you be using? Strange comment.

You can apply for subsidized loans to renovate your house in Germany if the renovation leads to a reduction in CO2 emissions. Strange comment.

Obviously everyone here lives in Germany so it worth to make a point out of it.

Given the fact that we share a planet: Wouldn't it be desirable to convince people to make buying choices that ensure our collective survival in the long term?

If you agree with that thought: Wouldn't one way to do this be to pool a small part of our collective money together and give it to people who are then swayed (or enabled) to use it for a more sustainable infrastructure?

IMO this is a no-brainer and given the collective costs of the weather extremes accompanying the ongoing climate catastrophe it might be even financially viable.

9 days ago:

Files Suggest UN Climate Summit's Leader Is Using Event to Promote Fossil Fuels


Removing the "who" from the original title made the sentence grammatically incorrect.

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