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foothebar on Dec 6, 2023 | hide | past | favorite

I... Didn't get much from this article? Any programmer thinks "maybe deep q learning" or "the algorithm I know with a star is A*"

We don't need breathless coverage of leaks, just discuss it when they have something to announce

Absolutely this, I was tempted to reply with "lol Shodan!?" to emphasize the dramatic, pointless coverage. I remain an absolute skeptic too - it still can't find basic React imports or turn a list into a CSV format (or add commas for a SQL "IN" drop in) without losing members of the list.

How long until Qanons think it's their Messiah?

Given the way all OpenAI models seem to be rather heavily biased towards 'the other side' I suspect the Qanon-crowd is unlikely to pledge allegiance to any of its products.





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