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pretext 6 months ago | hide | past | favorite

Elon does whatever he pleases and the economist and other press writes increasingly pathetic articles

Knee-jerk reactions from an account created just to post this?

Well, read the article:

> X post > Mr Musk’s hubris, too, may end badly. For all the futuristic twaddle about the Cybertruck, drivers struggled to find its door handles. Yet in the grand scheme of things, his technical accomplishments will probably outweigh his all-too-human imperfections. For pioneering electric cars and reusable rockets, he has earned his place in history. Future generations will probably judge him the way today’s judges Ford: a handful will decry his flawed character; most will remember the majesty of his creations.

Speaking of knee-jerk reactions, this:

> For all the futuristic twaddle about the Cybertruck, drivers struggled to find its door handles.

sounds a lot more like someone desperately trying to find something, anything, to criticize.

"Struggled" indeed. What, like it took them sixteen years of arduous labor? Or was it more like it took them a minute or so to figure out, and now they'll never need to worry about it again.

This piece is long on ad hominem attacks ("Tony Soprano"? Really?) and extremely short on facts.

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