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I like that this guy moves his meetups around. In my area, most of the meetups happen downtown, often around rush hour, making it very difficult for anyone outside of that area to attend.

He's in Cleveland. Cleveland doesn't have traffic.[1] It has half the population it had in 1970.

[1] https://www.reddit.com/r/Cleveland/comments/10dgg29/what_is_...

Author here. Cleveland rules.

But yeah, I move around for the sake of exploring and seeing new places, not for convenience. I could, however, see meetups in other cities benefitting from that strategy.

I believe the phrase is "Cleveland Rocks!"


I love the idea of a meetup moving around. Some meetups near me are on the other side of the metro which is a traffic nightmare to get to at rush hour, especially with a young kid whose schedule I also have to account for. If every other meeting was on my side of the county, I could at least attend some of them.

I live (well) outside a bigger city with worse traffic and I've become very selective about going into the city for evening events. Traffic/parking have become really bad and commuter rail just isn't a practical option for a nighttime event. And, on the other hand, people who live in the city are often reluctant to hop in a car (if they have one) and go out to the suburbs.

+1. Visited Cleveland recently. Really great city y'all have. Noble Beast is fantastic.

Loved the article! Really well written, thoughtful, and actionable advice.

For anyone organizing meetups: listen to asciimov on this one! It's so stressful to park in a city (especially if it's not something you do every day and you don't know the right places/garages/open back-streets/etc.)

Even just the map of nearby parking is a huge help, it’s so rare that meetup organizers even bother to write a description of where parking is.

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