In not-tech, unions negotiate monthly increases of salaries. It's more complicated, so you may get a 7% one month and a 13% the next month. You can try to research how much will be the increase and how much taxes will cut, but it's easier to imagine the ATM will give you a random number. (Usually the increase rate is lower than the inflation.)
The inflation is not high enough to rush to buy thing the first day of the month, but the idea is to finish the month with AR$0 in the bank. No savings in pesos. Buy some extra stuff, like canned food, cloth soap, update the computer or a home appliance and if possible buy US$100 dollar bills (the new model, with a big face).
The inflation is not high enough to rush to buy thing the first day of the month, but the idea is to finish the month with AR$0 in the bank. No savings in pesos. Buy some extra stuff, like canned food, cloth soap, update the computer or a home appliance and if possible buy US$100 dollar bills (the new model, with a big face).