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Vendor lock-in is a good thing? HP's CFO thinks so (theregister.com)
20 points by josephcsible 6 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 14 comments

Leopards eating your face is a good thing, says leopard eating my face

HP is more of a hyena rather than leopard

That's an excellent reason to avoid buying anything from HP, right there.

Screw HP. I dumped them a few years ago for an Epson and haven't looked back.

Devil's advocate: Doesn't HN frequently tout "moats" - isn't this a moat? What is the practical difference between a moat and vendor lock in?

As consumers, we want plentiful, high quality, inexpensive products, so we won't have to work so hard for a great life.

As architects of businesses, we want highly-demanded, easy to produce, high-profit products, so we won't have to work so hard for a great life.

Huge difference between the two. You can create a moat around your business, so that competitors find it hard to match the services and value you provide.

Vendor lock in is a moat created around the customer, so that they find it hard to switch even if someone else in the market is offering a better product.

I don't think there's a big difference for the customer. In either case the vendor has full grasp on those family jewels and can name any price for their product or service. See also: everyone eagerly awaiting an actual viable alternative to NVidia's GPUs. Are they a good product? Yes. Do customers want there to be a competitor so they can pursue a dual vendor strategy and do some price negotiation? Also yes.

This is why I stop lauding and buying Hewlett-Packard printers.

Too much dependencies on Microsoft OS and dialing home private stuff to HP headquarter.

That’s why the only HP here is an old keyboard for a server

But I have to say I’m very happy with my printer.. I won’t update the firmware though, because that causes DRM and cannot be downgraded

Of course HP's C?O would think that.

But can you imagine needing a printer and having to buy another dumpster fire HP? Or buying an HP because you had HP-UX on your last computer? Ugh, what a dystopia.

HP, Oracle, MS, and all those old school extortionists have nothing on AWS when it comes to vendor lock in.

After HP killed Palm I hated them. No way HP gets my money. I actively warn people away from HP anything.

Any news?

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