My tattoo (half sleeve) is Japanese-inspired. I frequent a Japanese restaurant. My friend speaks Japanese and chats with the owners in their language. She noticed the Japanese design on my arm and asked, "is it Japanese? Can I see it?". I showed her and she let out a nervous laugh and said "looks like mafia. You know mafia?"
Damn, I felt awkward. But it's nothing more than an ode to jiu-jitsu.
Edit: OP, I just have to say, I would never get a tattoo that I wouldn't be able to hide with clothing. Hopefully it doesn't stunt your growth as a developer.
Damn, I felt awkward. But it's nothing more than an ode to jiu-jitsu.
Edit: OP, I just have to say, I would never get a tattoo that I wouldn't be able to hide with clothing. Hopefully it doesn't stunt your growth as a developer.