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What negative stereotype? That Israel has excellent cyber capacity?

Sure, there wasn't any official attribution, but the US aren't the only player in town either.

EDIT: As an aside, an ex-director of the DGSE[1] (french CIA basically) complained that there tend to be a general misunderstanding between the communication modes of western countries and middle-east countries, the former prefers to proverbially "Speak softly and carry a big stick" while the latter prefer a good incendiary speech as a form of catharsis. As a result western audiences tend to take some speeches too literally, as if they were a plan of action while the discourse wasn't made with them in mind.

[1] Alain Chouet, in the excellent (french-only) book "Au coeur des services spéciaux" https://www.editionsladecouverte.fr/au_coeur_des_services_sp... https://www.amazon.fr/coeur-services-sp%C3%A9ciaux-Jean-GUIS...

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