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There is no source for this, and it does not say the police want to change the program at all.

Police as a whole do not have to agree in order for some police to make that claim. In English, we often leave out the word "some", because we recognize that referring to a group of people very rarely includes the entire group.

I agree that this article's claim really should be backed by a source.

Thank you. I find it odd that articles like this and many others go with "the local residents" line.

Unnamed sources have been used since forever by journalists to create stronger articles, but I disagree with their use entirely. If you're going to quote someone, quote them. Don't tell me "local residents", or "local police" think this or that. It seems like a journalistic writing tactic that blurs the truth more than it clarifies.

Also, I suspect you misunderstood the article somewhat?

The increase in drug use that's being described happened in the last 3-4 years. The decriminalisation policy is from 2001. So the increase is not connected to the policy, thus the police is not asking for a repeal of it.

The increase in drug use and decriminalisation are not related, basically. So the sentence you quoted, I don't see how that is a request from the police for a review.

I never said they were. Maybe you are conflating my comment with another user higher in the thread?

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