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Seraph Secure was completely Kit's brainchild. It was inspired by a victim he helped restore and years of scambaiting. He was a software dev before he started scambaiting so coding is a passion. He has limits so he hired a team of software engineers to help him develop it from the ground up. He also has had people from his Twitch community participate in testing and contributing ideas. The idea is to fill in the cracks that traditional blockers don't cover but to work with them. A unique feature is a guardian of an elderly or vulnerable family member will be notified with email/text alert if certain things occur on their computer. Common things from scams like downloading screen connection software, pulling up the tree command, net stat, etc not only causes a pop up warning but will notify the guardian that it is happening giving them a chance to stop the scam in real time. There's a lot more but, this is more than a celebrity endorsement.

The link now says he co-founded it, before I was just hearing "very closely tied," which to me is just really odd phrasing, it's something you say when you don't want to say very much.

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