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Recalibrating Respect (overcomingbias.com)
3 points by jger15 6 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

A feature common to these cultures, imo, is everyday achievements.

Imagined example: We have water in the kitchen because someone pumped it. When this tank is empty, someone will have to pump more. Some days its you, some days its someone else, but everyone knows and appreciates that there was effort there.

"English" will tolerate that for a few days before finding some way to eliminate the effort. The labor still gets performed, off out of sight by electricity generation utilities; the gratitude for the ingenuity can still be real; but there's not the same immediate connection when you turn on a tap and get water. The effort is trivial for you and likely always has been, so it is difficult to properly value the result you get.

I'd suggest Mr Hanson go speak to some Amish elders directly. Possibly even guest with someone for a while.

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