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Add dark mode to your website with a single line of code (github.com/bufferhead-code)
17 points by 0natcer 6 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

You can in fact add dark mode with a single line of code (CSS, not JS), as long as you don't change any colors:

    :root { color-scheme: light dark; }
I don't think you need a library for that.

You don't need CSS either!

    <meta name="color-scheme" content="light dark" />

Not a web dev, but I saw this on a stream at some point and found it delightful. Surprisingly effective!

    html { filter: invert(100%); }

Though you probably want to apply the same filter again to non-UI images so they won't look weird.

> a single line of code

Which means importing a whole js file

Add movement to your vehicle chassis with a single piece of whole engine

And the JS file "weights" 4 Kb.

It's fast though because it's minified and obfuscated to fit one line!!

/s haven't even looked yet, but I like hyperbole as much as the next

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