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US compels Saudi fund to exit Altman-backed AI chip startup (reuters.com)
27 points by areoform 6 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Saudi money is everywhere in tech. All the major VCs have taken money from them at some point which means there must be a few companies that have shares owned by some subsidiaries of Saudi Aramco.

Yup Marc Andreessen was just there begging for Saudi money along with Adam Neumann.

Perhaps American billionaires, REITs, and institutional investors ought to show a bit of solidarity and loyalty by investing in American startups so they aren't begging for money from people who murder and chop up journalists in their embassies.

One brutally murdered journalist is irrelevant when the upside is the singularity, sir. You should be more techno-optimistic like Marc and all his billionaire friends.

Try doing the same for Blackstone, KKR, Apollo, Carlyle, etc now.

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