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Is Henry Kissinger a War Criminal? (justsecurity.org)
7 points by night-rider 9 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

One of the rare questions in a headline that you can answer with certainty with yes...

If you believe it's yes because the 24/7 Orwellian Hate Box tells you it's yes ... it could be yes, but you should probably question it.

Kissinger wouldn't have been the man he was without 1,000 evil people around him who wanted, needed, a psychopath to carry out what he did. Now all the focus is on him, the figurehead .. not Obama who got a noble peace prize and then carpet bombed Libya and tried to take his nation to war with Syria. Not Bush and his destruction if Iraq that makes the Russia/Ukraine situation looks like a mild border skirmish. Not Biden who is embroiled in Ukrainian corruption with his drug addicted son, touches little girls inappropriately on camera and whose niece wrote about how he'd take showers with her in her drug rehab diary.

The media tells you to hate the only US president who hasn't started a war in the past four decades.

Kissinger was a bad man. He is now still doing bad things in death, as a distraction from the people behind the curtain telling you who to hate.

A rare case where I felt compelled to upvote both a post and the response which disagreed with it.

Have to have individual responsibility for actions of combatants. Hard to say - did anybody on the ground do something because HK told them to? If not, then, no.

Hey, just reiterating the common international definition. You want to slang somebody by using the wrong term, go ahead. But it doesn't aid in understanding the facts.

There are certainly at a minimum tens, if not hundreds of thousands of Cambodians, Laotians, Vietnamese civilians who's deaths are a direct consequence of Kissinger explicitly calling for more bombing. As in, were there a more judicious Sec. of State in place at the time of war, more civilians and their descendants would be alive today.

I won't place the Vietnam war as his sole responsibility. But he alone made several decisions around scope of the war that directly killed civilians.

All true. All outside the definition of 'war criminal'? Just noting here, that that term has an actual definition. Probably it isn't met in this case.

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