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Lenovo: "Best Minecraft House Ideas" (lenovo.com)
31 points by davikr 6 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 19 comments

I needed something mundanely weird to make my afternoon, thanks to whoever at Lenovo decided to get a LLM to make this. I took a few minutes checking out the wider glossary page and came across this on the keyboard layout page[1]:

>What are the most common types of keyboard layouts?

>The two most common types of keyboard layouts are QWERTY (which stands for “query, enter, write, erase, type”)

LLMs bluffing hard isn't anything new, but it's weird to see it on a reputable company's site like this.

[1] https://www.lenovo.com/us/en/glossary/keyboard-layout/

> it's weird to see it on a reputable company's site like this.

No longer a reputable company in my view, after seeing this.

I didn’t have an opinion on Lenovo before today but I’ve now made a mental note never to buy anything this company makes.

After owning a Thinkpad Carbon (and running PopOS on it), I would absolutely get another one of their products (probably a p16). For me it's been rock solid investment.

I wouldn't consider anyone else, well maybe System76. Their top of the line Threadripper desktops have that "Lure of the Sirens" feel about them. :)

because of an auto generated article which nobody was ever going to read?

Yes exactly because of that. More specifically because of a whole knowledge base of poor, low quality completely misleading bullshit content which is only there as a blatant low effort SEO technique.

A company’s online presence is supposed to build trust in their brand. For me personally, this does the exact opposite.

that is a very "level-headed" and "reasonable" reaction.

all quotes are sarcasm quotes.

what the hell is it with people automatically reacting in the extreme whenever they see a thing they don't like?

Maybe you should re-read your own comment

soon this page will be cited on wikipedia on the qwerty layout article, and reality will never be the same

Complete index is here,


Looks like 100% LLM gibberish.

I pity the Google Search Engine team that has to try and figure out how to make sense of the web and return useful results when there are millions of individual actors big (like Lenovo) and small actively working against them.

Is Lenovo just doing SEO stuff here, or is there some other reason for this?

Likely a combination of SEO combined with an LLM to write it all.

> https://www.lenovo.com/us/en/glossary/

I'm starting to get really irritated by all this drivel.

Everyone and their dog is asking why everyone is not paying to use ChatGPT. Today I heard "If you care about the future of AI, you'd pay for ChatGPT 4". smh.

Why I don't:

1.I'm a cheap wad.

2. I don't f.want to. Maybe I'm old school, I like Web Search. I like to be give a half-ass answer that I have to hack with. I like reading different articles around the topic and increasing my knowledge.

3. I don't want to be given an 300 line code answer for me to paste in, only to find out the AI was hallucinations. I also don't want to review PRs with this sort of thing

This is all very disheartening.

I want google to save me from this and for me not to notice they are trying to introduce their own (Bard).

> I want google to save me ...

Google specifically? If so, why?

Well for one I use Google to do search. If they can't figure out how to handle all this autogenerated SEO rubbish, I don't know how search will work.

If they don't figure it out, someone else probably will then Google will lose (search) market share. :)

I was expecting a contest for a free laptop.

Now scrape this and train your LLM with it!

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