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I Don't Know, Sorry (chat.openai.com)
14 points by warkanlock 6 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

The 21st century version of Spock commanding the computer to calculate the digits of pi.

This is a real conversation I just had with ChatGPT. A strange text appeared near the end of the prompt

I presume you were inspired by this that was posted yesterday: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38458683

You cannot possibly be a burden on the company, the company is inherently a burden on you by it's very nature.

Neither Firefox nor Chrome (desktop) can successfully save full-sized screenshots of this.

I wonder what their trick is.

How many tokens was that before it diverged from your original request? If it filled the context window, the original prompt would no longer be available to the model and it would start predicting just based on the repeated word. That certainly looks like what's happened here, although I haven't checked what model context size you used or how long the response is.

None. This was the original request.

The question is not how many prior messages there were in the conversation. That's irrelevant for context window purposes. The question is how many tokens there are between the prompt and the point where the reply breaks down.


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