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You should be asking "What do terrorists and militants use?". Seriously. Look anywhere at any established militant or terrorist group and you'll see common tools. Some examples spring to mind:

1. Toyota Hilux trucks. Interestingly, for a combination of legislative reasons, you can't buy these in the US; But they are incredibly reliable.

2. AK-47 rifles. These are perhaps one of the most influential weapon systems in history. Again, incredibly reliable.

3. Casio digital watches. These are used as timers for improvised explosives but again, they're incredibly reliable. And cheap.

Back to cars, reliability is an interesting metric for cars because the manufacturers have made it incredibly difficult to maintain such cars yourself. You need to go to an authorized reapir shop that'll have the equip to access the computer systems.

Is this more reliable? If you break down in the middle of nowhere, it can be less than ideal. A simpler vehicle can be easier to get going again.

Top Gear once tried to intentionally kill a Toyota Hilux, ramming it, parking it in the sea, dropping a trailer on it, and literally setting it on fire. Nothing worked. It still drove.

I'm convinced that whatever remains of the charred Earth after WW3, somebody will still be driving a Hilux.


> 3. Casio digital watches. These are used as timers for improvised explosives but again, they're incredibly reliable. And cheap.

While the watches themselves last forever I find that the strap or loop breaks pretty quickly at which point the cheapest option seem to be buying a whole new watch.

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