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FYI this is a terrible article.

Is essentially rambling from a random who just discovered prompt engineering and that there are Coursera courses about it and suckers buy it. Then rambles stuff about AI that everyone already has read. That AI will replace some jobs, but not all jobs, and human input is still needed.

Does not tell you anything useful, unless you were not familiar those two things existed.

Is there anyone on hacker news that doesn't already know this?

Hopefully saved you 5-10 minutes of reading.

> a random

It’s Joanna Stern. You may not have heard of her before, but it doesn’t make her a “random”.


> Is there anyone on hacker news that doesn't already know this?



She's a fairly unknown journo who started her career reviewing laptops. I find that this makes her as good as a rando relative to the HN crowd.

This idea that “the HN crowd” is an amorphous blob needs to die. Some people use the expression to mean “people like me”, others to mean “people with characteristic I don’t like”. The people who frequent HN are more diverse than the people who use that phrase think.

Stern is known to many technologists who follow the Apple world, as she has gotten exclusive interviews with the higher-ups like Craig Federighi. Those interviews have been referenced and praised by well-know Apple commentators on the Accidental Tech Podcast, Daring Fireball, and more.

I’ll say it again: the fact that you do not know her does not make her a random, it makes you one of the day’s 10000.

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