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Running Llama.cpp on AWS Instances (github.com/ggerganov)
96 points by schappim 6 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

If anyone is looking for a more reasonably cost effective solution, Hetzner has 16 vCPU/32GB RAM ARM VMs for $24E/mo that will run 34b Q4 GGUF at around 4 tok/sec. It's not very fast, but it is very cheap.

Something that would be extremely helpful is a good benchmark of various hardware for llm inference. It's really hard to tell how well a GPU will perform or whether it will be supported at all.

SO roughyl how much does this instance cost a day? Like $30? Im kind of confused why it wasnt mentioned, but hey maybe poeple arent as cheap as me. Cool project tho.

The pricing is shown in the first image on the page: $0.526 per hour.

This is if we follow the recommendation to use a GPU. But if you don't need 200+ tokens per second and are happy with something like 10-15, a CPU-only solution is acceptable and would cost significantly less.

One of the tasks that can be accomplished by running LLMs on a CPU is to execute long background tasks that do not require real-time response. llama.cpp seems like a suitable platform for this. It would be interesting to explore how to leverage the various acceleration techniques available on AWS.

I am more interested on running llama.cpp on CPU-only VPSs/EC2. Although it is probably too slow.

13b versions of models are running on 8-core CPU fast enough to have a fluid conversation.

What can I run on nVidia RTX 4060 Ti with 16GB RAM?

Best to try yourself, llama.cpp is refreshingly easy to build.

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