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Walking Desk Is More Annoying Than a Standing Desk (hackaday.com)
19 points by rolph 6 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

Slightly more practical would be something like this

Connect A Desk: Mobile Laptop Harness


You have to be in a really.safe place to feel comfortable walking around with your laptop and a bunch of other stuff just out in front of you like that. Having a standing desk with a small treadmill I could understand. This? It's a silicon valley bit.

>This? It's a silicon valley bit.

Obviously, 95% of the video is not about the desk but about the emotional effect of the odd object on the community. So it's a youtube bit unworthy of HNs time.

In traditional video editing terms the A-Block or initial draw-in always ends with you hoping for more clarification which then gets redirected to hypenomics. Whether you feel cheated after watching the whole empty calories video doesn't matter, all that matters to youtube, and by extension youtubers, is that you were drawn along by any means enough to watch the whole video. You won't remember never getting clarification, your brain will only remember that clicking results in novelty and pleasure.

> This? It's a silicon valley bit.

it’s not, it’s not a product, it was for a silly (and p good) youtube video

I don’t seem to get anything done when my desk is in standing mode. it just feels unnatural, stupid.

I reward myself by switching back down.

I don't know why but I'm the same way, but for being on conf calls I can focus better standing and wandering around. As long as we're not on camera, I try to do this.

Standing up while talking to my boss makes me feel more confident and less submissive.

Have you tried a sitting desk?

lol hiking desk

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