All stereotypes grow from a kernel of some truth. Lets calculate.
- 80-90% of child abusers are male. (Lets use 90% further on).
- Us population is 330 million. (So half will be 165m male).
- It has 750 thousand registered sex offenders
- 750t * 0.9 = 675t male offenders; 675t / 165000t = 0.4% of male population in us are registered sex offenders. (1 out of 243 males).
- 750t * 0.1 = 75t female offenders; 75t / 165000t = 0.045% (1 out of 2200 females)
Caveats apply: not all are caught; these numbers are for all sex offender (I think it includes adult rapists and public urinators); distribution through society is not uniform, some occupations will be more “lucrative” for phedos.