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3d27 6 months ago | hide | past | favorite

Not only am I confused, but I was reminded how old I am because "childhood" to me means Atari, maybe NES

I can’t help feeling bad for the tablet kids whose parents didn’t buy them a real game system. As someone who grew up owning an iPod touch, it still never felt like a proper place to play a game compared to my Nintendo DS or PlayStation 2/3. Phones have always been riddled with throwaway apps because that is the market that was incentivized.

Nobody ever set the expectation to pay $20-40 for a game on your phone. It was always free to 99 cents. Maybe a popular well-known franchise like GTA could charge $6-10 at most. Of course with that sort of price we can’t expect developers to maintain their apps, unless they happen to make a mainstream addictive gambling app disguised as a game.

Lest I insult mobile games too much, plenty of traditional console games lose multiplayer support. Or even if they still work, there’s nobody to play with.

To be honest, the developer probably stopped updating and maintaining the multiplayer server(s) (apparently at least 5 years ago) because nobody was playing. They’re still an active iOS developer.

The truth is that I’m not sure you’d find many people on the street who have ever heard of this game.

I don't get it. Could you explain?

I’m not sure what you’re saying here.

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