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AMD arms three of its gaming GPUs with PyTorch and ROCm for AI development (tomshardware.com)
14 points by mindcrime 6 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

No Windows support is sad.

How is that sad? If it gives people an incentive to switch from Windows to Linux, it's a good thing.

You don't want to alienate potential user base, especially when coming in already behind.

They are very slowly chipping away at it. Rn it's stuck at some third party libs and I think the entire effort is voluntary with no involvement from AMD. So I don't have a clue how long it'll be till we can use pytorch on amd on windows

I wonder if that precludes Linux under WSL: https://nixified.ai/

"Works with Windows Subsystem for Linux" According to the link you provided. Thanks for the link !

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