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Flipboard is abandoning X for Mastodon (theverge.com)
18 points by thunderbong 6 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

It's ironic that they would announce that on Medium, a platform that I find way more user-hostile than Twitter.

Perhaps the bigger news is that Flipboard itself is planning to federate via ActivityPub: https://about.flipboard.com/inside-flipboard/flipboard-masto...

I have only one reaction: Flipboard still exists?

Wow. Never would have thought. They were so hyped a few years ago, I even have an account and shortly used it. And then nothing. Never heard the name again.

Same. Felt like an app version of stumble upon.

I quite liked it at the time, but for some reason it chewed battery and cooked my phone, so I switched to Google News (which does the same thing, but not quite as bad). Does anyone know the reason news apps would need so much cpu?

As much as I applaud any company leaving X, I can’t help suspecting that the ridiculous API costs may have been the biggest factor behind this.

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