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Bash seems to be about as archaic as sh.

I write my shell scripts in sh, because it comes with every unix-like os by default.

I know that bash has more features, but I've never really missed them. I switch from sh to perl for more complicated tasks.

To each their own, right?

This to me seems like good practice, it's better to use a 'real' programming language when you're crossing the boundary from 'script' to 'program'

Shellscript has way too many idiosyncracies and weirdnesses that would have been beaten out of a proper programming language by now. (I know that talking about weirdnesses is amusing in relation to perl which also has a whole armload of them.)

> This to me seems like good practice, it's better to use a 'real' programming language when you're crossing the boundary from 'script' to 'program'

PowerShell would like a word with you.

The PowerShell syntax, to me, is one of the most unbelievably cryptic things I've ever seen. I really can't get on with it at all.

PowerShell's problem is that it is a real programming language, which makes it less suitable for a shell.

No, power shells problem is that it cannot decide whether it's a programming language or a shell REPL, and ends up doing both badly. The syntax is too cryptic (and far too verbose) for a REPL, and too "shell-y" for a PL.

bash, for all its many many many flaws, is quite clearly a REPL first, PL second.

I was half-joking but the downvotes were to be expected in a conversation about Linux shells.

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