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I previously worked for a large management consulting firm, but in one of their newly acquired tech/implementation teams.

There are quite literally analysts and sr analysts on every project whose entire job is just creating and editing powerpoints, sending them to their partner managing the case, getting feedback and repeat. Nothing else, just powerpoints. They may sit in on some meetings themselves but don't really offer much in the way of actual expertise in any meaningful way. Many of these people have literally never worked in the sector/field they are supposed to be consulting/advising on

They all have due dates basically every night for a new powerpoint presentation and that is literally the only deliverable for many of the people on a given case (client project).

While I was paid a lot for the job, often multiples of the developers working for any given client and it was hyper stressful, there's probably not a single project I can think of where the client wouldn't have been better off just doing things themselves and hiring full-time positions or even contractors who aren't one of these giant complex expensive firms.

Now that isn't to say there aren't a handful of very valuable/knowledgable people staffed to a project, but I'd wager on the average project only like 10-20% of people have anything of actual value to offer.

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