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What a delightful shit show. I don't even personally care whether Sam Altman is running OpenAI but it brings me no end of schadenfreude to see a bunch of AI Doomers make asses of themselves. Ethical Altruism truly believes that AI could destroy all of human life on the planet which is a preposterous belief. There are so many better things to worry about, many of which are happening right now! These people are not serious and should not hold serious positions of power. It's not hard to see the dangers of AI: replacing a lot of make-work that exists in the world, giving shoddy answers with high confidence, taking humans out of the loop of responsible decision making, but I cannot believe that it will become so smart that it becomes an all powerful god. These people worship intelligence (hence why they believe that with infinite intelligence comes infinite power) but look what happens when they actually have power! Ridiculous.

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