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Scripts don't scale; they give you scriptitis (artero.dev)
2 points by wwmoraes 6 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Video-meme heavy, content-light piece from someone who doesn't like Unix, so wants you to reimplement it (badly) in Go. Lame.

Did you mean I don't like Unix? Sorry if the content was that misleading to you, however you're awfully wrong there. I'm a Unix user for over 20 years. Yet Unix offers much more than just shell scripting. As for reimplementing badly in Go, that's a straw man fallacy. Now that's lame.

Have you ever had to wait for an "automated" process to unblock you that took hours? Did this process use a pipeline and a bunch of scripts underneath to "get the job done"? Welcome to a new chronic disease of modern enterprises, what I call scriptitis.

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