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Let me ask a question back at you: why do you want to become an entrepreneur? For most people, that's just playing a lottery. Most lottery tickets lose.

Why not take your job skills and settle down to a nice, stable job?

Probably a savior complex. I was abused as a child, was enamored by tech from a young age, and have always felt that the way to productively channel my pain was to create a product that could improve the lives of many. Have grappled with and psychoanalyzed this desire for many years and have decided to stop fighting it.

Fair enough. A compromise might be a stable job plus open-source contributions. There are a lot of valuable OSS projects!

no offence but you sound completely confused

They sound increasingly self-aware. Adverse childhood experiences are important to crawl out from under, and it takes a lot of work. If you're confused about what they're saying, why not ask for clarification?

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