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You're not supposed to.

You could look for a better ISP. The larger problem is that in the US it's completely normal for there to be no actual choice, or for your "choice" to be between two equally huge uninterested corporations who know they don't need to be better than each other to keep the same revenue.

Separating the last mile infrastructure from the ISP can make it possible to have natural monopoly for everybody's last miles, but widespread competition for ISPs. That might be really hard to pull off in the US but I think it'd be worth striving for.

> Separating the last mile infrastructure from the ISP can make it possible to have natural monopoly for everybody's last miles, but widespread competition for ISPs. That might be really hard to pull off in the US but I think it'd be worth striving for.

Or even better, the model we have in France. The last mile is a monopoly for a limited time only (2-3 years). So if you build a connection to some place that didn't have one, you can profit off exclusivity for some time, and are incentivised to be good to the consumers because they can switch, but will probably ony do so if you're shit/too expensive.

It'd require sensible regulation, so the Republicans simply won't stand for it, and it's not one of the Democrats' main issues, so they couldn't be bothered.

The problem is how satisfied people are when they get to just blame the other side and not bother with any further thought. As long as people like you reward that mentality then it will never be fixed.

Yes, it must be me to blame, not the bad faith actors in office. Would you like to collect the two cent payment I offer for exposure to my wrongthink now or later?

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