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Well he could have you shadowbanned on every platform except Onlyfans and Pornhub.

How would that benefit him other than discrediting his sister? She's not 1000% credible already in my view based on the tenor of her claims but I'm open to correction.

Even federated platforms, or private ones that I run on my own? How does that work? Please be precise when you say "every".

Defederate me harder, Altman

How so? Yallenge accepted

Edit: moar elaboration please

This is what his sister said, they are just trolling I think.

Yep, I'm trolling. Thought it was obvious, but apparently not.


His sister has been reported to say that Sam Altman banned her from every platform except those two. It's been reported she might struggle with mental issues, though who knows what happened. So I'm pretty sure whoever said that was just trolling.

How the hell does that work? Why can't she use a VPN and not use her real identity like the rest of us? Does she insist on assuming her rightful place as an Altman?

Edit: she seriously said that re:Pornhub?! What is her association with porn and why would she bring that up?

Edit: unless the words came from her mouth, I wouldn't blow it up any further

I don't know any of these people, just came across this stuff in the last couple of days and wanted to flag the possible troll, but here you go: https://twitter.com/phuckfilosophy/status/170997828542437802...

Its weird cuz he's gay so its duly disturbing if they shared in that discovery and also talked to Mom and Dad about it. This whole situstion sounds like it may have sufficient legs to moonlight as an Aristocrats joke

Is there any such thing as like a reverse class action suit but like from one-to-many like her context would sort of fit in? Can one person do like an omnibus lawsuit against a bunch of companies for a common basis? That would very legal and very cool!

How does that fit in with the fact he's gay? That timeline better be tight and also that's kind of a not great thing for her. Like that's how they both discovered he was gay?

I think the implication is that he could “talk to his friends”, more than doing things directly.

Ya but that still ain't gonna tell them anything? Who uses "real" credentials anymore?

Also, why doesn't she just hire a lawyer to help her sign up ?

Sounds like an easy way to get off of social media!


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