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Thanks. The next time I submit my "interest in availability" of a "certificate" for "transportation from the origin to the destination" on a "web service" affording a "data exchange between a service provider and a private entity requesting the certificate", I will make sure to hire a team of lawyers to look into ToS of all parties involved.

How could anyone confuse the words "free seat selection" and "1 left at this price" with anything other than "you are buying whatever, we really don't care and can charge for anything we want regardless of what's written in any listings". Silly me.

Saying that, I think I am starting to get it. My mistake was not looking into the origin and the legal definition of the word "seat" before attempting to book a flight.

But just to make sure I resolve this issue once and for all, could you please help me with a few more legal definitions?

What do these words actually mean: "reservation", "flight", "buy", "payment", "free", "selection", "person", "destination", and "confirmation"? Thanks again!

Let me put it plainly for you. You are buying a seat in a cabin on a plane at a price point. Which specific seat may vary. Everything else is on a best-effort basis.

Does this really diverge from your expectations?

I'm having a hard time believing someone could be confused by this.

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