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Ilya Sutskever: I deeply regret my participation in the board's actions (twitter.com/ilyasut)
73 points by vikramkr 6 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 12 comments

Comments moved thither. Thanks!


Also, hiding the dupes to prevent polluting the main page is a good idea but @dang kind of annoying that doing that in this case means the story drops in rank on the page - this story was in active discussion and if there are dupes I think it would make sense to boost the original to the level that this duplicate was at instead of burying the story

We do that all the time, but in this case I'm not sure it's proper because the Ilya story is included in the article that's currently at #1, and the discussion is including both.

That makes sense! My thoughts were just that there were two similar versions of that same story highlighting the 550 employees and their letter, and the board member's backtracking seemed a distinct conversation (employees not agreeing with the board vs board members themselves suggesting the decision was a mistake) but i can see how 3 posts on the same thing would be a bit much. Though for an hour there kind of felt like there was enough interest and chaos for every post on the front page to be an openai post lol

Wait also @dang was this flagged because it was a dupe? The site was lagging out and I couldn't tell it was already posted and I agree that the existing one should be the main one - I can delete it or something instead but I figured getting hidden and transferring the comments was enough to give due credit and support to the first poster?

Users flagged it. Not sure why, but I'll turn the flags off.

The Exciting, Perilous Journey Toward AGI | Ilya Sutskever | TED https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEkGLj0bwAU

At the end of this video he says that there was a plan to share progress (models?) once they got close to AGI.

I'd like to make up a rule that the person that posts the link is also allowed one low effort, non hn quality response in the comments. Here's mine:


Nah, you have to use the classic

"1) What"


unfortunately I don't have a high enough rank in league for that

Nah, you have to use the classic 1) What https://twitter.com/SBF_FTX/status/1591989554881658880

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