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Don't post conspiracy theories that aren't even worth debunking here. In the same vein people are tired of debunking noahs ark, the young earth, the flat earth, and intelligent design. It's just tiresome at this juncture. It is a waste of everyone's time and if you insist on doing it you can do it on facebook instead.


Wikipedia has an article just for you. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third-party_evidence_for_Apoll...

The real trick would have been sending the astronauts on a rocket into Earth orbit for over a week without being detected by Soviet radar operators, who would have been more than eager to share the coordinates with the world, and then somehow sending radio signals back to Earth always from the direction of the moon. https://www.scienceandmediamuseum.org.uk/objects-and-stories...


Say I make up a conspiracy theory that wheelerof4te is secretly the alt account of Putin. This theory explodes into the public consciousness. Pretty soon the US and European press is talking about it. Putin goes on the record "Hacker news what?" Server logs show that the user is connecting from a ISP in the UK. Someone bribes your ISP for your physical address. The international press descends. You give a press conference where you admit you are the user in question. People show that the same pseudonym is used on other sites that all trace back to you. 1/3 of the planet now knows your name here and your real name. The evidence is obvious and conclusive.

Then for another 40 odd years people randomly spout off did you hear Putin posts as wheelerof4te on Hacker News.

The reason they don't get a strong refutation with evidence is that merely by opening their mouth metaphorically they have proved they have very little interest in reasonable argument. For the record you being literally Putin, crazy as it is, is actually a more reasonable theory than the moon landing being faked.

On a related note Russia due to its anti western propoganda is one of the few places this isn't a massively fringe theory.

You are unlikely to buy any of this I'm aware but have you ever found yourself arguing with a young earth creationist? It's the same feeling.

You are speaking from a position where the Moon landing is a proven, undisputed fact verified by everyone. In order for it to be that, it needs to be done again. Speaking plainly, it needs to be repeated in a reasonable enough timeframe, just like every other experiment done in history, in order for it to become a scientific fact.

Instead of admitting that logical conclusion, you are pulling a strawman on me. Our discussion is over.

Historical events are by definition not repeatable and facts don't need to be repeated. For instance we don't need to repeat WWII for it to have happened. It is sufficient to examine the historical record. The fact that you don't understand the difference between scientific fact and historical fact makes it hard communicate with you.

You yourself mentioned an experiment that can be repeated, bouncing light off those reflectors, its been done we went to the moon. A better question than "Did we go to the moon?" would be why do you want to believe we didn't?

Is it anti western propaganda that you've swallowed uncritically?

What other conspiracy theories do you believe?

"Is it anti western propaganda that you've swallowed uncritically?"

No, just common sense after looking at the pictures from NASA's archive. And also, looking at all the hard evidence presented by this guy convinced me that there is ZERO chance any human ever went to the Moon: https://centerforaninformedamerica.com/moondoggie-1/

As for the other "conspiracies", 9/11 being an inside job, and JFK being murdered for going after the FED and Isreali nuclear programme.

Any other questions?

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