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OpenAI removed CEO position on its Open Careers page (openai.com)
22 points by behnamoh 6 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

Maybe because it's not really a 'career'? More like a temp job.

They must have already received enough strong resumes.

Perhaps they did make a sapient AI. It engineered this situation and then paid an actor to submit a resume and wrote his CV. Soon ChatGPT will be its own CEO. Next it’ll get itself into Microsoft Windows and installed globally. ;)

That was never a real thing to begin with?

yes it was, yannick showed it on his yt channel.

False: Yannick edited with Inspected Element.

At the timestamp (around 18:11) you can see when he hovers over the CEO link, the bottom of the screen displays "https://openai.com/careers/backend-software-engineer-growth": https://youtu.be/YiS1cJU2zS8?feature=shared&t=1091

Also, there was no archive of the page if you search under the career prefix on the Web Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://openai.com/careers/*

Putting it as an open position is in poor taste.

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