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> Why would I be soliciting donations for something I don't favor?

Because you are (consciously or not) creating a self-fulfilling prophecy for one champion over the others. Worse still, you are asking everyone else to devote resources to your preferred champion when we have no reason to believe that this is long-term sustainable.

> The Matrix protocol is also inferior to Signal in that all metadata is stored in cleartext on the server.

As I said in another thread: I honestly care less about the security guarantees from one protocol over the other than I care about the fact that pushing for Signal would mean that everyone's communication would be tied to one single provider. This is a systemic risk that no amount of "you don't need to trust us, you just need to trust math" can ever mitigate.

I don't care about your preferences. I'm consciously using and giving money to Signal, and I'm encouraging others to do so. Go ahead and work on or use or donate to whatever you like.

You sidestepped the whole point about systemic risk and tried to argue based on my "preferences". My friend, that's as cheap a copout as it gets.

Sorry to break it to you, but if it was only a matter of preference, I would've been fine with Signal or even WhatsApp.

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