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In what way is the content of your comment strengthened by waving about a PPL? It serves only the patronize. Excise it, what does it change? Similarly, assuming that most of the audience here, aviation knowledge or not is unaware that there are mountains with people.

Anyway, passenger cabins require 8,000 ft for normal operation, so it's a bit misleading to say there's no legal requirement. https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/14/25.841. (And yes, I know the difference between airworthiness and operations, still misleading). Also why I'd bet a good sum you're a PPL.

> I'd bet a good sum you're a PPL.

I'm not even in the US; you're barking up the wrong tree. I apologize for disclosing a relevant fact. Won't happen again. Thanks for the link to CFR25.

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