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how many chat services do you use? and how many are making money off of you in other ways?

not who you replied to, but:

- signal for family and some techy friends

- whatsapp cuz some friends dont really get signal

- imessage cuz some friends dont get whatsapp nor signal

- viber cuz family across seas and that's whats popular there

- slack with some friends cuz it's nice to have focused discussions in channels

- discord cuz its better for gaming

- ig messaging cuz i stay in touch with less close acquaintances and some friends that way, comment on their stories and chat about whats going on in the moment

There's also Wire, IRC, Telegram, and Threema. SMS I also have a subscription on, but that feels different so I didn't include that in my count, and Keybase I haven't used in a while now but that might also be part of the list for some people

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