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Solar plus Battery can power a Modern Domestic House in a Modern Economy.

Not saying it’s environmentally friendly, but if you have sunshine all year round it’s easily doable.

Here in South Australia we also have a massive Tesla battery to stabilise grid output.

I’m all for Nuclear though.

> but if you have sunshine all year round it’s easily doable.

That sounds great for everyone living in Spain, Italy and Greece, as well as New Mexico, Arizona, Southern Cali Georgia, Florida, Mississippi and Alabama. I guess everyone who lives north of thst is just SOL then.

Yep LoL!

That’s how it goes.

For them, other tech works though.

Wind and hydro to whatever extent.

And of course Nuclear.

Lithium ion battery are far less destructive than the iron mining used to build the rest of a car that they go into, but good luck getting the concern trolls about supposed lithium mining problems to acknowledge what it takes to build the rest of the car...

Yeah it can provide for your household lighting, but what about all the energy expenditures that go into the house via material means? Can you produce aluminum at scale? Or fertilizer? How much energy is used to produce a computer? And in most mass processes a loss or reduction in power input is a huge deal and results in production shutdowns that require far more than just turning a switch back on to restart.

That battery is for load shifting from peak times to off-peak times and also to provide bridging power while other generators start up. If you want reliable purely green power, you need a lot more battery. For longer term storage, pumped hydro seems to be the only option for now.

Solar plus Battery can power a Modern Domestic House in a Modern Economy.

1) I simply dont think that is true unless you are willing to be powerless 5% of the year or have backup generators

Why 5%?

It is doable and people do it.

Here in Australia anyway.

You just need enough Solar, enough battery, and controls on your power load.

Not saying it’s easy or commonplace right now, but if you really want to, you can go off-grid!

In Australia at least.

I agree it's doable by some rich and Niche individuals, but it's not socially scalable, let alone efficient.

Of course with enough money you can put in three times the panels you need on average to account for winter days. Similarly, you could put in a week's storage battery in case a nasty storm comes through.

That's basically it :-)

But you can, if you want to...

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