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2024 is the biggest election year in history (economist.com)
4 points by timenova 6 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Has there ever been a Presidential election year where people said, "Eh, it's fine"?

I do feel like it gets worse and worse each cycle. And yeah, 2024 seems categorically different: a major front-runner is denying the validity of the electoral process and will almost certainly be a convicted felon by then. Regardless of who wins, tens of millions of people will believe that tens of millions of others are delusional to the point of treasonous.

Still, I feel like we could already start writing "2028 is the biggest election year in history" Mad Libs style, and fill in the specifics later. Assuming, of course, that we actually have a 2028 election, and that seems less sure than when we said "2004 is the biggest election year in history" and "2012 is the biggest election year in history".

Not exactly. A cursory glance of this [0] Wikipedia article shows that the Presidential Election term is usually 4, 5, or 6 years long. For so many countries to be holding an election in the same year is quite unlikely. And even if the numbers (of countries) are there, some countries have much larger populations. The Economist article states more than 4 billion people will go to the polls in 2024. That's not going to happen in 2028.

[0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_next_general_elections

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