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I recently started my undergrad, and after a few weeks at university, I got inspired to make a tool to help others out there.

Introducing lekchur, a free tool that transcribes your college lectures (or really any form of speech) in real-time, right from your browser. It loads the whisper-tiny-en model locally using the Transformers.js library and performs all audio processing and transcription solely on the client side.

The output on its own may seem rather cumbersome to parse through, but I've been finding it useful to feed the final transcripts to LLMs like ChatGPT and Claude.ai to get concise notes and summaries.

Claude has a nice file upload tool, so I've developed a neat workflow where I can record, transcribe, and get summarized notes of lectures on my phone!

Here's a demo showcasing that workflow with lekchur on my iPhone 13: https://youtu.be/WQk86-9BCaI

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