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> But we really do! There is nothing surface about the differences in behavior and structure of LLMs and humans - anymore than there is anything surface about the differences between the behavior and structure of bricks and humans.

This is meaningless platitudes. These networks are turing complete given a feedback loop. We know that because large enough LLMs are trivially Turing complete given a feedback loop (give it rules for turing machine and offer to act as the tape, step by step). Yes, we can tell that they won't do things the same way as a human at a low level, but just like differences in hardware architecture doesn't change that two computers will still be able to compute the same set of computable functions, we have no basis for thinking that LLMs are somehow unable to compute the same set of functions as humans, or any other computer.

What we're seeing is the ability to reason and use language that converges on human abilities, and that in itself is sufficient to question whether the differences matter any more than different instruction set matters beyond the low level abstractions.

> You've made something (at great expense!) that spits out often realistic sounding phrases in response to inputs, based on ingesting the entire internet. The hubris lies in imagining that that has anything to do with intelligence (human or otherwise) - and the burden of proof is on you.

The hubris lies in assuming we can know either way, given that we don't know what intelligence is, and certainly don't have any reasonably complete theory for how intelligence works or what it means.

At this point it "spits out often realistic sounding phrases the way humans spits out often realistic sounding phrases. It's often stupid. It also often beats a fairly substantial proportion of humans. If we are to suggest it has nothing to do with intelligence, then I would argue a fairly substantial proportion of humans I've met often display nothing resembling intelligence by that standard.

> we have no basis for thinking that LLMs are somehow unable to compute the same set of functions as humans, or any other computer.

Humans are not computers! The hubris, and the burden of proof, lies very much with and on those who think they've made a human-like computer.

Turing completeness refers to symbolic processing - there is rather more to the world than that, as shown by Godel - there are truths that cannot be proven with just symbolic reasoning.

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