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Non-paywall link: https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/i-visited-over-120...

The single biggest issue with the “open” charging network at this point, in my opinion, is that it’s made up of so many different hardware vendors. At a single EA site you may have 3 different manufacturers of hardware. If something breaks you’ve got three completely different architectures that likely have a different technician required to fix, and definitely different internal components. Then add on the software layer that needs to look identical to end users but is also unique per vendor.

Tesla on the other hand owns the stack end to end.

It would be like trying to build HN utilizing dell servers running Linux, hpe servers running windows, and Lenovo servers running FreeBSD all trying to look like a single standardized interface to the end user. The overhead and areas for issues are immense.

I understand why someone like EA doesn’t want to be single sourced but what they’re doing clearly isn’t working.

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