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Show HN: Outsmart AI in a Spy Game (trytrickai.com)
9 points by abnerorlamunder 6 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
Hey HN!

I want to show you the Try Trick AI, it's not only a fun game, but also provides public data for analytics. https://www.trytrickai.com/

But what is the game about? Your job is to trick AI. Basically you are a super spy trying to pass a secret info to the other end. And AI is a rival spy listening to everything. So you gotta find creative ways of bypassing it.

Feel free to try it, and all feedback are very welcome!

I had fun trying to solve a puzzle, but was sad when I could not see the correct answer at the end when I inevitably failed to figure it out! Haha.

Thanks for the feedback! I'll think about a way of showing the correct answer if you fail.

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