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Suddenly San Francisco is cleaned up [video] (reddit.com)
23 points by sva_ 7 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

26 seconds of panning around temporary metal fencing that separates the city’s streets from its sidewalks. Looks dystopian.

To those who know SF, what’s the context?

There’s a huge international conference with a bunch of world leaders happening in SF this week, so a large chunk of downtown has a security cordon around it with police and Secret Service agents all over the place: https://sfstandard.com/2023/11/07/san-francisco-apec-securit...

(I work just down the street from this video and had to navigate the maze of fences to get to the office this morning. Aside from that the only difference from what this intersection usually looks like is fewer cars, so I’m not sure what this poster is on about.)

Its the US version of Chinese painting grass for the Olympics https://gamesbids.com/eng/other-news/beijing-s-grass-gets-a-...

APEC, in particular Xi Jinping is meeting Biden there on Wednesday.


Bell Riots, still on track for next year.

that’s new montgomery, and the diff from before is very small, from my memories working in an office on that street for some years… hardly demonstrates “SF cleaned up”

They also closed a bunch of the bay bridge, and a bunch of local transit lines, so it's super obnoxious for people.

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